
Continuous Urban + Cultural Landscape

Gödöllő is a town situated in Pest county, Budapest metropolitan area, Hungary; about 30 km northeast from the outskirts of Budapest. The town has a regional importance nowadays, owing to its cultural, educational, industrial activities. From agricultural village to a market town which was developed as a holiday and residential town in late 19th century. Gödöllő is also home to the historical Royal Palace and to the Szent István University, the main education institute of agriculture in Hungary. Cultural and educational developments happened in the 20th century, between the two world wars. The university campus for agricultural studies was founded in the socialist period.

The main goal and strategy is the integration between the territory, the historical-natural landscape and the community, by creating a -Continuous Urban Natural and Cultural Landscape-. In collaboration with Olga Herea and Melike Kaimaz.


  • Restoring ecosystem: environmental recovery and treatment of the stream
  • Evocation of the two historical water features designed with environmental goals
  • Improvement and linking of the historical layers, natural habitats, urban agriculture, outdoor spaces, ecological corridors and cultural routes