Itapuã | Rio de Janeiro

landscape project

Gardens, courtyards, scents, sounds, indoor-outdoor spaces, lights, shadows and water always present as a guiding thread. A landscape project closely connected with the landscape scenery of Rio de Janeiro, the native coastal vegetation and, especially, with the Itapuã Stone, a natural landmark that rises sixteen meters above the sea.

The project proposes to connect the natural coastal landscape that surrounds it with the pedestrian promenade along the coast, through a system of internal paths that unites spaces of meditation, consciousness and contemplation. A journey through different gardens, and natural spaces where water flows, bringing the liquid element to the place manifested in fountains, ponds and pools, as well as the irrigation system.


Landscape project: x-studio | Ivan Juarez with the collaboration of Arch.Gabriel Leyva

Architectural Project: Architect Pablo Bolaños