Joya Honda crater. Desert of México (Tropic of Cancer)
A few kilometers south of Tropic of Cancer, in the desert of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, is located the Joya Honda volcano, which is a large elliptical crater (800 x 1,200 m), excavated more than 200 meters below the pre-volcanic surface. A Quaternary maar of unusual type that was formed about 1.1 million years ago, from the interaction of groundwater with magma.
Conceived to provide a place for self-reflection, the site specific intervention consists in to a new approach to the context of Joya Honda crater, in which the notion of time constitutes the essence of the work. An observatory- piece that emerges from the landscape to define a new relation of human beings with their intimate perception of the desert. An introspective piece to reflect about the empty immensity of the landscape: earth, sky, silence, loneliness, endless.