Habitat Faculty, SLP. Mexico
The shortfilm exhibition is the result of the collaboration between Ivan Juarez as director of the workshop Landscape Architecture and students from Habitat Faculty. A curatorial project that conceives a new space of expression: The Open Air Cinema on the Façade of the University Building. The shortfilms were also presented at the Film Festival in the Cineteca.
01 Postales de una ciudad by Leonardo Lee, Ricardo Moctezuma, Montserrat Vega and Nury Velázquez
02 La experiencia de Comer en la Calle by Cristina Gerling, Eduardo Guerra, Elva González and Eduardo Moreno Palau
03 Interacción en el Paisaje Urbano, La ciudad a través de los ojos del Parkur y el skate by Luis González Lira, Saúl Gutiérrez, Juan José Martínez Silva and Israel Torres
04 Arquitectura sin Arquitectos by Erik Maldonado, Pablo Acevedo and Enrique Torres
05 La Garita de Jalisco by Mariana Ponce, Verónica Aranda, Sofia Villar, and Marco Metlich
06 Las Vías by Luis Fernando de Ávila