Shanghai | presentation

Flaneur in the insular cities – Island Ecology

Chapter 2: Patch


Ivan Juarez, Mexico City

Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee, Singapore

x:x (Xiong Yu-Xiu & Xue Yu-Xuan), Chengdu

Focuses and discussion:

– Methodology

– The artist as the research subject

– Macro/micro observation of the patch

– The suspension of the moving and non-moving subjects

Conducted in text, visual and audio

This is a #non​-verbal WIP presentation by artists focused on FIIC Island Ecology. It will be livestream​ on Youtube. In this interim presentation on the second chapter of the residency, the artists (x:x, Ivan Juarez, and Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee) will respond and construct a dialogue between themselves with visual-audio materials made and collected during the internet-based FIIC: Island Ecology to discuss Patch (the topic of this current chapter).

About Flaneur in the Insular Cities: Island Ecology

FIIC: Island Ecology is an online artist residency focus on artistic research in cross-cultural studies, a collaboration of Jalan Besar Salon and Suaveart, the programme is facilitated and curated by Winnie Li and Lee Yipei. The internet-based residency project explores the topic of islands collectivity as an artistic experimentation with Island Ecology as a point of departure.

Curatorial team:

SUAVEART, Jalan Besar Salon

Design:Yipei Lee

Photo credit: x:x (Dongxing City of Guangxi Province/Trung Quoc)

Date: Feb 28, 2021