Shanghai-China | art residency project & lecture

Ivan Juarez is taking part on -Flaneur in the insular cities – Island Ecology
: Travel & On-board- an artistic project and lecture.
Rockbund Art Museum-Shanghai

Flaneur in The Insular Cities: Island Ecology is an internet-based residency project. It explores the topic of islands collectivity as artistic experimentation with Island Ecologies as a point of departure.

“Using the notion of island as a foundation, from the ports to the islands, from land to the sea; in a dream state these seemingly unrelated points break away from the continuity of time and space in this project . The project demystifies reality with the fictional, it explores the spooky state that connects and divides the binaries. It is a journey along the state lines, a journey without borders: surrounded by the ocean on every point on this land is a starting point, every mountain are points of opposition, and yet they connect each other to the borders.”


嘉宾 Speakers:
Yipei LEE|Taipei
Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee|Singapore
Ivan Juarez|Mexico
x:x (Xiong Yu-Xiu & Xue Yu-Xuan)|Chengdu
主持人 Host:木焱 muyan

Curatorial team:

SUAVEART, Jalan Besar Salon



Special thanks:

Rockbund Art Museum,

Shanghai Pl-art-form

地点 Venue:RAM 空间站
RAM Station (No.185 Yuanmingyuan Road, Huangpu District,
Shanghai, 1F Lyceum Building)

Shanghai-China, January 9th, 2021