Mexico | Workshop Art & Ecology

Insects & Architecture | workshop
Guapamacátaro | Art & Nature | Michoacan | MX

Insects & Architecture | Hacienda Guapamacataro | Michoacan | MX

Perceptive, cognitive and aesthetic approximations to our territory, as a tool for human-nature dialogue.

The workshop explores different perspectives and approximations based on the biodiversity of the Hacienda Guapamacátaro landscape located in the state of Michoacán. A space dedicated to art and nature nestled in an environment close to the Monarch butterfly sanctuary.

From the macro to the micro, from the tangible to the intangible.

Considering the Hacienda’s territory as a research laboratory, each participant explores and approaches different fragments of the landscape to identify symbiotic communities of living organisms, as well as existing co-relationships between natural and cultural habitats. Understanding the landscape and its ecosystems. Micro and macro. Re-imagine sensitive strategies of coexistence.

Curator and organizer: Alicia Marván.


Francesca Zadra (IT)

Bridget Rountree (USA)

Michele Brody (USA)

Iain Gunn (CAN)

Louis Neale (UK)

February 2023

Hacienda Guapamacataro | Michoacan | MX