Krakow | Poland | publication

inAW Journal - Multidisciplinary Academic Magazine
Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków | Faculty of Interior Design

Multidisciplinarity of Art and Science | “The third issue of the -inAW Journal- Multidisciplinary Academic Magazine-, presents articles that are the results of studies on selected creative issues, combining knowledge and cognitive activities. Various formulas are qualified by the authors and reviewers themselves as implemented in the practice of art, technology and scientific projects, and often directly translated into the didactic practice of academic life. As a result of the free use of tools from various fields of science and art, the articles express the need to introduce the idea of combining scientific and artistic disciplines, specialties and subjects, and thus different perspectives of viewing and the complexity of issues raised at the level of higher education education.”

Publisher: Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Faculty of Interior Design

Editors: Prof. Dr. Beata Gibała-Kapecka, Dr. Joanna Łapińska

Translation EN-PL: Joanna Łapińska